Spotify Ends The Search For Promo Code With Its In-App Offers Feature
Spotify has recently announced its new feature. It will end customer hustle to search for a promo code online. Customers can buy a subscription of their favourite podcasts with on discounted prices with these promo codes.
Now, the customer will see an embedded link on the podcast. Just by clicking on this embedded link, the customer will be able to avail the promo-code. The link will automatically redirect the customer to advertiser’s website. Once the customer is on the website of the advertiser, the site will automatically detect the promo-code and will show you the discounted price.
Image credit – TheVerge
Currently, Spotify is testing its “In-App Offers” feature. It will be a great relief for the consumer. Now, they don’t have to remember the promo code and march from pillar to post to get discounts.
According to Spotify, this is just the beginning of its interactive advertisement. The company states that they are researching for more ways to “create more of a direct funnel for brands.” It will create a strong impact and bring more live audiences to the Spotify platform in search of promo code.
Jay Richman, Head of ads business and platform at Spotify stated,
I think you could start to then piece together what a potential roadmap could look like, just based on the model with which we view this opportunity.
So, it is one step in a larger innovation path to productize the coupon code.
The first test conducted on Harry’s in the United States of America. The podcasts which participated was “Last Podcast on the Left and with Hello Fresh in Germany on the podcast Herrengedeck.” The promo code will be visible to a limited number of listeners. It will be visible only during the campaign time frame.
Spotify started inserting advertisements in podcasts from the month of January. They did this using their Streaming ad insertion technology. This technology is also known as SAI.
SAI inserts ad to the podcasts when people are listening to them. The SAI technology is advance and targets the audience based on their demographic and data-driven synergy.
Now, with SAI, Spotify is planning to expand its advertisement market in the US and some parts of Germany. SAI is a Spotify owned technology and is currently possesses an approximation of 100 monetizable shows.
It will give an upper hand to Spotify in capturing the advertiser market. Hence, it will lead to advertiser’s spending more money. Spotify will make sure that advertisers get better results for their advertisement.
For now, Spotify has opened the window for advertisement on the shows in its purview. Although, there are chances that Spotify might open the gates to the outside world and may charge revenue for the ad sales.