Google Analytics Introduces 3 New Reports for 360-Ad Platforms
Google Analytics 4 has three new reports available. Users will be able to examine information from Search Ads 360, Display & Video 360, and Campaign Manager 360 in these reports. Those who have correctly integrated these 360-degree ad platforms with Google Analytics 4 can now access them. Furthermore, they can assess the efficacy of campaigns at generating traffic and converting leads. By incorporating these reports into GA4, campaign effectiveness analysis ought to be made simpler. Additionally, it ought to provide advertisers with better outcomes.
The 360-ad platforms
Search Ads 360 is a platform for managing searches. It supports Microsoft Advertising, Baidu, Yahoo Japan, and Google Ads campaigns. Campaign Manager 360 is a tool designed to manage advertising campaigns on mobile and web platforms. It handles ad serving, targeting, verification, and reporting. Display & Video 360 makes it easier to create ads, manage audience data, buy inventory, and improve campaigns.
Campaign performance with the new reports
The performance of campaigns created on the corresponding 360 ad platforms is detailed in each of the three new reports. By choosing the integration-specific summary card that has been added to the Acquisition overview report, users can access these reports. A user will see an option labeled “View Display & Video 360 campaigns,” for example, if they integrate Display & Video 360. The new Display & Video 360 report will open when this option is clicked.

Image credit- Search Engine Land
A user can still access the report from the Acquisition overview report and continue analyzing historical data even if they choose to unlink a buying platform from their property. Additionally, Google Analytics 4 has added new traffic source dimensions to support the new acquisition reports. When a user clicks on a link to Campaign Manager 360, Display & Video 360, or Search Ads 360, these dimensions become available. The event, session, and user scopes offer new dimensions.
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New Traffic Sources Dimensions
Google has added more traffic source dimensions to the new acquisition reports. When the 360 platforms are connected and used at the event, session, and user level, these dimensions become available. With this update, one can understand cross-channel acquisition data by using cross-channel dimensions, like
Here is where the traffic originates, such as from search engines like Google, social media sites like Facebook, direct users who enter your URL, or one of your newsletters, spring_newsletter.
First-user source
This shows where most of the site’s initial visitors come from. For example, if the first user source is “organic,” this indicates that the users found the website or app through natural search results, such as Google.
Session source
This displays the most popular original source for a group of website user interactions that take place in a given amount of time.
Furthermore, to comprehend cross-channel acquisition data, one can make use of integration-specific dimensions such as Source, Session Source, and First User Source. Then, in order to better understand where the traffic is coming from, they can use new integration-specific dimensions, such as SA360 source, SA360 session source, and SA360 first user source, to analyze acquisition data for a particular buying platform.
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